Weekly Report #9


Current status of project:
This past week we completed our progress written and oral report. As a group we decided that we would use a mouth guard design to sense the temperature. We also decided upon using a thermistor to measure the temperature, using a battery to fulfill the power requirements, and using a vibrating motor to alert the player when their temperature has reached a dangerous level. We were able to do some analysis to find certain types of thermistors, batteries, and motors that will best fit our purpose.

Work planned for next week: 
This week we plan on meeting try and figure out where all components will fit best in the mouth guard. We will use CAD drawings of the mouth guard and measurements provided for the various parts of the system in order to figure this out. We will also need to start looking into the circuitry that will be needed in order to make the system function properly. We also plan on scheduling a meeting with our client in order to discuss our progress and make sure we are headed in the right direction.

Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:

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