Weekly Report #10


Current status of project:
This past week we met up with our client, Marc Schmidt, to discuss our project progress. We also met as a group this week to get prepared to complete the final paper and presentation. We emailed Professor Mell in order discuss how to begin putting together the circuitry for our project. We have continued to research what exact thermistor and vibrating motor we will use in our product. We have asked our client to purchase these parts so that we will have the physical parts to work with when making our final design.

Work planned for next week:
This week we hope to meet with Professor Mell in order to work on the completing the circuitry for our final project. In addition, we are hoping to receive CADD drawings of the mouth guard we will be using so that we can look at the size of the mouth guard and start figuring out how all the parts will fit together. We will continue to research the power requirement and make sure that we have the right battery to power all the components in our design. We will also look into how mouth guards are manufactured so that we can look into how our product would be manufactured.

Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work: 


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